How the Internet is Changing Advertising

Facebook Deals – NEW

Facebook Deals gives businesses the opportunity to reward customers when they check in on Facebook, and this helps generate awareness, encourage in-store traffic and build customer loyalty. Deals connects businesses with people and helps them become an even larger part of their customers’ conversations. And right now, deals are free for businesses to create. If you’d like help getting started with Facebook Deals, contact us now!

Download Facebook Deals White Paper Now.

Social Media Ads

Social Media Marketing is quite the buzz right now and it is one of the best ways to reach and connect with your target audience. It does have a couple limitations which are easily overcome.  It is sometime slow in reaching your market and it is not the best tool for direct selling. To overcome the slowness and to get a social media campaign moving quick you can run ads on the social media platform you are using.  The traffic can be sent to your fan or group page, directly to your website or to a dedicated landing page set up to capture the lead information. All have there place depending on what you are trying to accomplish.  Now about direct selling. It is near impossible to sell right from a social media site. What you want to do instead is to build a relation ship with the potential client. One great way to do that is by recommend they  fan you or you capture their information on a landing page. I prefer the landing page approach because you can later redirect them back to your fan page since you already have their contact information. I will save the building your relationship with them for another post but just know it it a long term sales approach.

Why You Should Be Advertising on Facebook

Facebook is a phenomenal source of traffic. According to Alexa ratings Facebook is #2 on the web for traffic, behind Google.  Facebook exceeds ratings of all other websites, even popular names such as Yahoo, YouTube, Bing, and Wikipedia. Also with Facebook you can target your exact market by age, sex, interest and more.  The only catch is they are not looking for your services. So if you want to gain new customers on Facebook you have to advertise with a different strategy by somehow bridging the gap between socializing and wanting your service. Just contact us if you need help with that. That’s what we do.

Facebook Country Statistics

14 Largest Countries
1. United States 86,406,460
2. United Kingdom 20,214,180
3. Turkey 13,104,960
4. Canada 12,862,140
5. France 12,245,140
6. Italy 11,573,640
7. Indonesia 9,642,620
8. Australia 6,572,900
9. Spain 6,554,500
10. Argentina 6,380,080
11. Colombia 6,198,020
12. Chile 5,211,360
13. Venezuela 4,284,480
14. India 4,172,480